
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Gestures Accross Our Crazy World

What does this mean in Japanese?
1. I'm as scared as a bunny!
2. Let me think about it.
3. I'm angry!Answer: Number 3, "I'm mad!" So mad in fact, I'm breaking out my devil horns!

I think these speak for themselves :)

What is this French woman communicating nonverbally?
1. I don't believe you.
2. Hmmmm...look how delectible Francois looks today!
3. How touching!

Answer: Number 1, I don't believe you, or "Mon oeil!" ("My eye!")

I always thought Jeff Foxworthy was a nice guy!

Okay, let's take a moment to breathe...............

What on earth do you think this Iranian woman is trying to convey?
1. Best of luck to you!
2. You're number one with me!
3. Screw you!

Answer: Number 2, "Screw You!"
Poor little thumb! Sure hope someone is giving the UN nuclear inspectors the "heads up."

I don't think Fonzie knew!


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