
Thursday, April 13, 2006

"Tahitian" Dancer
Daffodil/Narcissus/ Jonquille
Blooming in Ninnnifer's garden at the moment. Pretty tall, and late blooming compared to the others. Late blooming compared to the others too. Somewhat downward facing, so I have to lift up their little heads for a peek.
These little beauties, "grape hyacinth" are blooming profusely underneath the daffodils. I was surprised at how profusely they came up since I just planted their bulbs last fall/winter. They are sooooo cute underneath the long stalks of the daffodils, and several flowers bloom per bubl, and once dried out towards base, little petals seem to "shoot out" on top! Adorable.....
More signs of spring

These "star gazer" lillies are not blooming yet, but I can see that their stalks are starting to push up.....and promising that it is only a little while off!

I planted several varieties of yarrow this year. The little "twiggy" and dead-looking things didn't look too promising when I took them out of the bag they were shipped in, but only a week later (after a TON of rain) little lacey leaves started to show themselves. Guess they weren't dead afterall!

This is called "liatris." I've never seen it in any "live" garden (not that I remember anyway), but looked so pretty in the catalog that I couldn't resist!

I hope it isn't too late to sow sweet pea seeds. They're so sweet, and smell so good!
These red beauties remind me of the vast Afghanistan/Pakistan poppy plantations I saw in the original version of "Traffic." (WAY better that the remake done with Catherine Zeta-Jones and that Bentino dude). I'll be so happy if they actually work in my garden (and promise, will be used only for aesthetic purposes).
These honeysuckles are just like the ones I remember growing from Mr. Hernandez' back yard into our alley in Tehachapi. Scott and I used to walk down to the end of the alley, and suck on the nectar of these sweet things while squishing our feet over the pliable must have been really hot! But I don't remember that part.
We'll see if these cannas come up. I imagine so...they grow all over Woodland.

This is what I'm really anticipating... Dinner Plate Dahlias!

Are these beautiful, or what??

More yarrow.....


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