
Friday, June 01, 2007


Yes, I'm a health-nut wannabe. After my gastric-bypass surgery in January I feel like I got a second chance to do this healthy food thing. I'm still quite the carnivore (yes, I do need all of that protein), but am being a little more picky about other foods I put in my tummy. One of the things I've tried recently is home-made yogurt. Yes, I got the idea from "French Women Don't Get Fat," and I think its kinda fun! Since ordering it from, Bernie started reminicing his home-made yogurt days when he was a kid. I guess his mom made it regularly, never letting any of her kids eat "that last bottle," making sure that she had that starter for the next batch. He thinks my little appliance is overkill (after all, his mom just set her yogurt to cure next to a pilot light), but I'd probably forget the bottles in my closet where the heater is, and we'd probably have a nasty smell on our hands.

So, I've been adding blueberries to my yogurt, and am feeling extra healthy about it. Apparently blueberries have a lot of good stuff in them, and they'd better at the price I'm paying for each little box! I'm getting back into fiber cereal too, and the strawberries have been divine lately.
The "nonfat" French lady recommends that we eat the yogurt "nature," (i.e. without any sugar), but I just can't bring myself to put it into my mouth that way yet. I know that white sugar is the "white devil," but I guess I'm no angel. Maybe one day....


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