
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Who Wants To See My Babies?

I have so much love for the little souls who live with us. I know, many think that we're silly, or that the love we receive from them is just "conditioning," that they've been positively reinforced to come out of their cages to see us because we're food/pellet providers. I don't think its as simplistic as that. Love can't be explained. Its not logical, but I know it when I feel it.... and who in their right mind can't feel a little "something" when they see these little precious bundles of fur?
Have you ever seen something so cute that you wanted to crack?!? Or eat it up? Or squeeze it? Of course I'm not talking about hurting it.... but I just dunno!?! Words fail me....

Our Bimpki and Timki watching TV with us. They really like the hours between 11:00 and 1:00 when there are back-to-back episodes of Dallas. They're still waiting to see who shot JR. Don't worry.... I won't ruin it for them.
Okay...the real deal. This is what we see every night around 10:00 pm: two little party girls wondering why their parents are heading to bed. Jeez...those humans have it all backwards!

Who wants a Timki kiss???

Two of our ckickens in their akward teenage stage.... can you see how Cici ("see see") is growing in facial stubble? Lulu was supposed to start showing her black polka-dot spots, but has still yet to do so... So much for sales promises at the feed store...

The "Grande Dame" of the garden, Suri Maya. She is THE sweetest cat I've ever known, not one of these aloof types. She comes when she knows you're around, and wants to make your lap her permanent home. Oh.... she's a good mouser too!

And this is the dog I hope to have one day. Growing up, my aunt and uncle had two of these beautiful and sweet Shetland Sheepdogs, Hector and Mandy. They provided such a beautiful model of a happily married couple to me. When they laid down together, Hector or Mandy would put their paw on the other's, and when tired, would sleep with their noses tucked into each other's.... How beautifully romantic.

Baby chickens again... when they just started out.

Last, but certainly not least..... P-I-M-I!!! Pimi, the one-eyed miniature hamster. Even though this little spirit could only see from one side of his face, was infested with some mystery skin infection, lost his upper and lower teeth, yetdarted out in spooky snake fashion whenever a finger came near him (only to be bitten by his pink gums), he managed to find his way into our hearts as no other rodent ever has. We love you Pimi.... We miss you....

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Canning Watermelon Pickle.... Really!

Hello There! I'm writing to you from the world of domestic bliss. I have been on vacation for two days now, and I'm starting my summer canning, and I couldn't be happier.

Starting last night I began the process of canning watermelon rind pickles. These little ole pickles harken back to my childhood summers spent in Bakersfield with my aunt, uncle and cousins Johnny (now he likes to be called "JC" - I guess he's earned the right to be called what he wants now, he's nearly 40) and Heather. As we ate our watermelon at the breakfast, lunch or dinner table, poolside or sitting in front of the telly in our pyjamas, aunt Terri always made sure we saved our rinds for her pickle!

Yes, I thought it was bizarre....gross actually. But isn't it amazing how growing older increases our appreciation? I've heard our taste buds actually mature. I'm sure that my sentimentality is increasing....

So anyhoo.... as an homage to old Bakersfield hot summer days, and aunt Terri, here's my adventure with watermelon rind pickling. Oh, my mom said that these are good served with cooked bacon wrapped around them, with a nut, and broiled.... the salty, sweet and sour flavors together..... my mouth is watering right now!!

Okay, first thing's first. You have to get as many friends and family as possible to eat, eat, and eat some more watermelon. Then make sure that you keep your eyes on the rind, not for a moment letting them even think about throwing those rinds away. It took a little convincing to get Bernie (hubby) to comply, but eventually he did. You'll need 4 quarts watermelon rind (that's about the rind from one whole watermelon).

Here's the recipe:
4 quarts cubed rind, white part only (pink and green removed)

1 cup canning salt (yes, it has to be "canning" salt - table salt isn't appropriate)
3 tablespoons pickling lime (yes, you can find this with canning equipment, pectin, etc.)

2 sticks cinnamon (each broken in half)
1 tablespoon whole allspice
1 tablespoon whole cloves
1/4 teaspoon mustard seed
1 thinly sliced lemon
2 pices fresh ginger, sliced
7 cups white sugar
1 quart white vinegar
Take the watermelon rinds, cut off most of the pink bits. Then, cut off the green outer layer. I found it easier to cut the rind in pieces prior to doing this this. If you waited, cut pices in one to two-inch squares/rectangles/triangles (whatever you like) now. Set aside.

Here you have to make a decision. Do you want crisp or soft pickles?

1. If you want crisp pickles, soak the rind for at least 2 hours in pickling lime dissolved in 2 quarts water

2. If you want regular, soft pickles, cover rind pieces with salt dissolved in 1 gallon of water. Let stand at least 12 hours, or overnight.

Drain the rind pieces, rinse and rinse several times more. Place pieces in stockpot, cover with water, and cook until fork tender. This took about 35-45 minutes when I did it. The aroma is interesting.... a little sweet, and pleasant. It brought my rats out of their cage, wondering what their next treat was going to be! Drain, and set aside.

This is a good time to get your spices together. Take a piece of cheesecloth or muslin, place all spices in it, and tie. I used a piece of embroidery thread laying around.

Aren't these spices pretty? I just love cooking with real ingredients in their natural state....

In another saucepot, combine sugar, vinegar, lemon slices and ginger. This smells so good! Add spice bag. Bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add watermelon rind pieces, and simmer all together until rind pieces are transparent (yes, they turn almost se-through! They take on an almost candy-like appearance.)

Pack the rind, lemons (if you like, I do!) and liquid into hot jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Remove air bubbles by slipping a spatula around pieces and gently tapping botton of jar to release hiding bubbles.
Heat lids, place on jars and screw on bands.

Place jars with lids on in a big ole canner (this black and white-speckled tub on the right). Normally your canner should have a matching lid, but mine apparently got lost along the way. So, I'm using my copper saucepan that I got in France. It looks cute though, non?
"Process" (let the jars boil in the speckled canner) for 10 minutes.

With the canning jar lifter thingamijig, lift the jars out of the boiling water. Set on a towel 1/2 inch apart, and let cool for 12-18 hours.
They say that you should let the pickles rest for at least 3 months in order for all the flavors to get to know each other. So, maybe you can serve the rind, bacon and nut hors d'oeuvre for you Halloween party? Or Thanksgiving...even Christmas?

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Bernie and I have jumped into the world of dehydrating. We purchased this Nesco "Gardenmaster" dehydrator at our trusty ole Davis ACE Hardware, and have been de-hydrating like mad since! We've done one batch of apricots (yum!) that I picked Thursday from a neighbor's overloaded tree (yes, there was a sign out front begging neighbors to help theim out), and we have also made a batch of beef jerky. Bernie is going to probably go into jerky overdose schck any moment now....not to mention the rats! Oh, that movie Ratatouille came out this weekend, and I have to say that I'm amused. I know, the idea of a rat being a "foodie" sounds perposterous (sp?) to some, but not to me and daddy... We have experienced, first hand the sophisiticated and at times, persnikity palates of our rodent "daughters."
Anyhoo.... I got off track. So far we LOVE our dehydrator. Tomorrow I'm planning on starting some canning. I am in the summer domestic mood! My mother thinks I'm crazy, my friends think I'm crazy, but in my own way, I'm starting my own "slow food" movement here in my corner of thw world. Yolo County is so full of fantastic, fresh, sweet produce, and I feel that I'd be more of a fool if I didn't honor it. Plus, I have the time off work, so why not?!? Getting started in canning/dehydrating isn't cheap though. I guess it might be if I had a grandma or mom or aunt around who canned and whose equipment I could borrow. But alas, I'm a lone ranger on this frontier. I wonder if my great grammie is chuckling, either wondering what the ($*% I'm fussing about when there's perfectly good canned/dired food available at Bel Aire, or she's feeling a little summer-time chore connection with me. I prefer to fantasize the latter....