
Friday, June 01, 2007

The Nose Bidet

Okay, here's another fun thing. My guinea pig (Bernie) has recently started using the Nose Bidet (aka Neti Pot) for his allergies. With this and the honey regimn (see previous entry), he's laying off the Benadryl and prescription nose sprays. Bad for the pharmaceutical industry, good for us. Here's the definition of neti pot from Wikipedia:
The Sanskrit term Jala neti refers to an ancient yogic cleansing technique, meaning literally "water cleansing," where the practitioner rinses out the nasal cavity with water (usually salted) using a neti pot. The technique is starting to be recognized by Western medicine under the term nasal irrigation.
Jala neti, though relatively less known in western culture, is a common practice in parts of India and other areas in South East Asia, performed as routinely as using a toothbrush. It is performed daily usually the first thing in the morning with other cleansing practices. It may be useful at the end of the day if you work or live in a dusty or polluted environment. When dealing with problems of congestion it can be performed up to four times a day. Jala neti can be done at a bathroom sink without a special pot using just your hands and fresh water. Wet the palms and fingers of your hands and wet the inside of your nose. After, you can maybe tilt your head back and let the moisture enter your nasal passages. Later, blow your nose into the sink. Using warm water might be helpful.


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