
Friday, June 01, 2007

Honey, Miraculous Honey

Yes, I'm a hippie at heart. When I head that honey made by local bees could help with allergies, I enlisted my husband as a guinea pig. I started him on a regimn of one-to-two teaspoons per day.
We both cautioned ourselves that it might take some time to take effect, if it were to actually work at all. I'm not exagerating when I say that he seemed to become less allergic within days. This time of year was really difficult for him, sneezing, stuffed up, runny eyes and nose, going through way too many tissue boxes, and way too much complaining....
So, you'll understand when I say that this honey success was truly exciting in the Maza household! Every time we see a bee (whether it be a honey bee or other funny looking bee-like creature, black and hairy, long and buzzing, whatever....) we blow it a little kiss and thank it. If its in the garden, we voyeuristically watch it loving our flowers, but if its in the pool, we try to encourage it to get out of the water before one of the little kids tries to smash it.

I've heard that there's a crisis with honey bees lately; that there are not enough of them around anymore; that their numbers are dropping, and nobody (even local UC Davis entymologists) dont' know why. Someone proposed that the cell phone waves are somehow disorienting to the poor little creatures, that they somehow lose their way from field to home. What are we gonna do? We need baby bees? Bernie needs baby bees!


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